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Preparing for the Bear
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Your investing success depends on you!

If you are relying on an advisor for your investing decisions - you are well on your way to disaster. Read my article, Fire Your Advisor for the truth about financial advisors.

The Fallacy of  Buy-and-Hold.

A successful investor must understand the Big Picture and learn how to profit from it. For that past 110 years the market has moved in very distinct and recognizable patterns.

The following chart shows the Big Picture.
As you can clearly see, the 'Bigger Picture' shows the true trends of the overall market and more importantly, the new trend that started in 2000.

These Secular Bear Markets where there is sideways trading and no net-gain advance for extended periods of time are caused most usually by 'Bubble Bursting'. 

Warren Buffett said in 2000,
"The next 17 years will certainly be different than the past 17."

The previous advancing bull market lasted 18 years and ended in 2000. One can assume that Mr. Buffett was referring to the information depicted in the above chart when he made that statement.

Another bit of history:
There has been a Bear Market on the average of every 3 1/2 years since 1900. Even during times during the advancing overall market - bear markets continue to happen.

Assuming history continues to repeat itself, and realizing it has done so for more than 100 years, Investors who purchased investments in 2000 and later could be waiting another 7 to 10 years to see net-gain on their investments.

This is why Buy and Hold is a fallacy. 

Unless you are willing and able to hold investments for extended periods of time you will lose. Even so, not ALL investments actually show a profit over the long-term. And as you also know, there are some that go bankrupt.

There are no risk-free investments.

Buy and hold with hopes of an eventual profit means that your money is at      risk 100% of the time.

Buy and Hold means you will be hit with the average loss of 30% on the average of every 3 1/2 years. Then you will wait an average of almost 2 more years to get back to net-gain territory.

Th last Bear Market started in 2007 and ended in 2009. You do the math! Are you prepared for the next one?

Becoming a successful investor is NOT about Day trading. It IS about risking your money ONLY when the odds of profit are in your favor. Investing without necessary tools and knowledge is no better than a lottery ticket.

Charting and Technical Analysis gives you the information, knowledge, and tools to develop an investing plan to:

    1. Limit your risk
    2. Place the odds of success in your favor
    3. Recognize market changes
    4. Know when to move to safety
    5. Take advantage of good market times

Your investing success is your responsibility. No one will protect your money like you will.

"Either educate yourself to make your own investing decisions, or keep your money safe in the bank. It really is that simple." ~Fred McAllen

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Invest and Trade safely with Trading the Trends. Get out of the market at the highs - avoid the corrections - avoid bear markets -

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